Newborns: Joy and Laughter
When newborns arrive, all family members and friends are thrilled for the newcomer. It is a call for a celebration, a new beginning, and a challenging journey. Taking care of newborns is not easy, but it is all worth it when you see them happy in the world they were just brought into. They fulfill us with many gifts including:
Happiness. They smile when you smile, and they make us feel proud as we watch them slowly grow, starting from their first baby steps.
Laughter. There is nothing more precious, and more cute, than to hear a baby’s laughter. When you make them laugh, they know that you mean so much to them, and they treasure those special moments. Tell them many jokes and make silly faces, it will not only brighten up you baby’s day, but it will also brighten up yours.
Love. Life is a party, and having a baby is just as much of a party. Everything that parents do for their babies, is out of pure genuine love.
Enjoy your babies while they are young, and help them treasure every moment of happiness they can acquire in their lives.